Thursday, 9 July 2009

wee boy

This is small carving of wee boy. Limewood and wood stain . Its obvious photography is not my thing. It's meant to be a "no see um" carving. One of my friends, Pau; is severly handicaped physicaly. He can only move 2 fingers in one hand. He's told my wife who works with him he's getting a shelf erected in his room for my carvings, I think he's hinting at something. The size of the shelf might be an indication.


Bob Tinsley said...

Looks to me like Pau is planning ahead. Lucky fellow!


diy said...

He is a power of example for me. How he can hold it together given his medical condition I do n't know. But he does. As a youngster he was almost " average" time has worsened his condition physically, but not mentally. His spirit has to be admired.