Had a run of things not going to the way I planed, whats new. When through the appointments and with specialists, surgeons etc to have an op.. Sat there on the bed ready for the knife when it was decided it was necessary to have some more heart tests.! No comment!
Then the old pc began playing up. Got it repaired and my eife claimed it. So looked around for another one. Her
e we are again rarin' to go.

My first attempt at carving walnut, the spoon is for friends in South Africa.
Good to hear from you, John. I was beginning to get a bit worried. Doctors are maddening. 'Nuff said. :)
Be well.
Naw I do n't kill easy Bob. Its because of my tricky ticker they refused to operate. Why the surgeon did n't take that in to account before the date of the op. I've yet to find out. I will though.
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