Monday, 23 February 2009

On the road.

Getting rid of that infection feeling a whole lot better. The weather has improved, no wind .Took the young dog out this morning and gave him a bit of training. He has a good nose and keen as mustard.

I've been asked to show some of my carvings on the blog. While I've no problem with that remember, I'm only in my second year of my apprenticeship.
So I'll add a photo of a carving to each posting .

This is a box I burned and carved. I'm and always have been untidy. Its a built in fault. The box is to hold tools and it does. And I put tools in it, but there isstill all that clutter around.


Tom H said...

That's a great looking tool box. And I know that lots of work went into it.

The Great Ethan Allen said...

very nice top! Looks like it took a while. the box looks great!

diy said...

Thanks gents. The box did take a lot of time. I'm no joiner and the joints are a bit over the top. This one was limewood, but sycamore might make a better wood, its harder and takes the burn better. I've an idea in my head to make one. Still with one brain cell there is plenty room within.