Friday, 1 January 2010

New Year Offerings

I treid and almost made it. It's a habit to start the Year with nothing left unfinished, a sort of spring cleaning. However I wandered around leaving bits here and there not quite finished . What I did finish is above.
I burned the inside of a bowl that I've been tripping over for 2 years , the designsare from Irish's book as are the next one. These are two birds I carved from Keltic/ Pictish Art. I put a homemade frame on the two kelpies . The Deer Spoon will be the next one to finish and then...


Bob Tinsley said...

You're really getting into this woodburning thing! Looking good. I especially like the kelpies.


diy said...

I turn off the heating and save a bit.

The Great Ethan Allen said...

Its nice to get things caught up and start the new year fresh!

diy said...

Its an old tradition on this east coast. Get everything fresh for the coming year. Cleansing was a ritual way back in the pagan times. There is a ceremony performed every hogmany to root out the evil with fire. A google of Fireballs/Stonehaven will give you a video of the event.